2012年10月16日 星期二

PMR Officially "THE END" !!! ❤

Its End =)
I Knew Im Look So Dark x)
I Want to announce thats......
 PMR Exam Officially END !

Say ByeBye To PMR In my life,
I Still Remember ,
The Last paper in PMR,
Its B.C. ,
Which is aso my favorite subject too !
*Hope can score A Lar~>w<
After that Step by step,
Go out from the classroom.......

First Step,
I Felt relax,
Relax for everything,
Say goodbye to KH And GEO~

Second Step,
I Felt happy,
Its damn happy,
Because my PMR Is officially end !!!

Third Step,
I Felt touching,
Because all my friends,teachers and families,
Which is support me at all the time during PMR

Forth Step,
I couldnt felt anything anymore,
Just yelled ! As loud as I Can,
Then all of them keep looking me with their shockness xp

I dunno how to describe that type of feeling,
Its really different !
Happy ? Relax ? Excited ? Touching ?
Everything lar ! 


